21 Truths: God is Loving

Think fast: How would you describe yourself?

Got it? What would you say if someone asked you this question? Would you respond with physical attributes like 5′ 2″ tall, dishwater blond hair, with a tattoo on your right forearm and left foot? Or would your description deal with personality characteristics like outgoing, bubbly, talkative, squirrelly? What about what you like to do? Write, work out, sleep, hang with Jesus…

Take the thoughts about how you would describe yourself… now think about how you would describe God.

Does this come more easily to you? Or not so much? 

Either way, I pray this new series helps us all to get a better look at God by studying His character and attributes. (Don’t worry, it isn’t going to be deep theology. My mama brain doesn’t have the stamina for that these days.)

For the next few weeks until Easter, we are going to be discussing 21 Truths about God. That’s right, we will be digging a bit deeper to find out just who this awesome Creator of ours really is.

Excited? I hope so. Because it’s going to get intense all up in here. Like camping. (Get it? In-tents?)

For our first “Truth” about God, lets start out simple:

Truth #1: God Is Loving

God is loving

Pretty straightforward, right? Whenever I think about God, the first thing that pops into my head is how incredibly loving He is. Not only does Scripture back up this claim over and over and over again, but God made us in His own image!

I really don’t think it gets more loving than that.

Also, love is really the overarching theme that binds together and encompasses all of His other characteristics that we will be discussion.

Love transcends both heaven and earth. Love will be the language of heaven.

And in case you forgot the words found in 1 John 4:16… God IS Love.

Every single thing that happens in our lives happens because God loves us. We receive a blessing? God’s love. We experience a trial? God’s love. We feel comforted by God’s presence? God’s love.

Bottom line: God. Is. Loving.

Unconditional. Perpetual. It never ends. Never runs out.


God’s entire nature, plan, heart and word is based around love. Did you know in the New International Version of the Bible the word “Love” is mentioned nearly 700 times?

Apparently love is important. Not only for us, but for God and His entire existence.

So today’s response question: In what season or area of your do you feel God’s love the most? How does it make you feel that the God of the Universe loves you so deeply that He calls you by name? Please jump in the conversation by leaving a comment.

Take some time this week to pause and meditate on God’s love. It’s pretty hard to grasp, but even if you get just a tiny taste of it, your heart will be encouraged in miraculous ways.

Dear friends, cling to this powerful truth: God is loving.

Basking in His love,

Initials Signature Blog

“And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.” ~Ephesians 3:17-18 MSG

Linking up today with Michelle via Hear it Sunday~Use it Monday, Laura at Playdates with God, Joan’s  Beauty in His Grip, and Inspire me Monday. Oh! And be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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